Implikasi Integritas bagi Guru Kristen


  • Ester Yunita Dewi Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Kadesi Boger
  • Arthinda Arthur Sailendra STT Kadesi Bogor



Implikasi; Integritas; dan Guru Kristen


Integrity is a term that has become familiar because everyone in all professions
strives to have good integrity, including Christian teachers. The integrity that people pursue
and possess is generally the same as the integrity that Christian teachers also pursue and
possess. Problems related to integrity arise, because there are cases found both in the mass
media or social media and in the community regarding teacher integrity. Teachers who do
not maintain integrity can damage their own reputation as a teacher. Teachers who are
educated individuals and certainly know the need for integrity within themselves. However,
even though we know that integrity is good and must be possessed, it cannot be denied that
there are teachers who deliberately ignore it for the sake of certain interests. The results of
research on the implications of the integrity of Bible figures for Christian teachers are as
follows: First, integrity is a characteristic possessed by someone who has been able to
develop his personality in such a way as to achieve a high level of development, balanced
and integrated between various aspects of himself: physical, psychological, social and
spiritual. Integrity can be interpreted as honesty and conformity between values and
behavior. Values and behavior will be compatible if spirituality leads the behavior. Second,
the definition of integrity is very perfect and it is impossible for humans to have it, but if you
pay close attention, Daniel, Paul, Ruth, Barnabas and several other Bible figures can have
good integrity. Third, nothing is impossible for a Christian teacher, especially with sincerity,
surrender and offering it for the glory of God's name. Have commitment and consistency and
maintain honesty and conformity between values and behavior based on the truth of God's
word. The Holy Spirit will give strength and sensitivity so that we can maintain a balance of
belief between words and deeds.


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How to Cite

Dewi, E. Y., & Sailendra, A. A. (2024). Implikasi Integritas bagi Guru Kristen. JURNAL KADESI, 6(2), 114-130.